Wednesday, February 19 2025


What is this exactly?

We want to build as a starting place for locals. By aggregating business reviews by bloggers, we help local citizens find quality establishments.

How do I add my review?

Just find the business listing on, and click on the 'Bloggers, Add Your Review' link.

PLEASE NOTE: Before your reviews can appear on, your blog has to be approved into our directory. Add Your Blog Now

Why should I use this?

We only aggregate a few words from your post. users will click through to your blog to read the full details. This means high quality traffic, and high quality links to your blog.

How long do I have to wait?

It should not take us more than 72 hours to add your review after the image is added. If you have to add your blog for approval, that may require another 72 hours. We work pretty fast, so it should take a lot less time than that really.

The business I reviewed is not in your database. What should I do?

We do our best to find new businesses and delete closed ones. If business information has to be updated, please click on 'Submit an Update or Correction' and fill out the form. If it is a new business that we do not have, please submit the business.

I added the image link, it doesn't seem to be working?

Sometimes bloggers mistakenly place the image link in the sidebar accidentally. Make sure it is in the actual blog post. If it is, please contact us so we can figure out what the problem is.